Home Release Notes 🍋 3.17 Exclude Ingredients & Branded Emails

🍋 3.17 Exclude Ingredients & Branded Emails

Last updated on Mar 27, 2024

Thank you for using Foodzilla. In this update, we added a highly requested feature for you: Exclude ingredients when generating meal plans and filtering the dietitian-approved recipes. So now you can easily create meal plans and exclude ingredients (like onion, cucumber, tomato, etc...) that your clients are allergic to instead of just excluding food groups.

exclude ingredients when generating plans

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What's New in Platform v3.17.0

  • 🍉 Improved User Interface Design. We've redone the look and feel of the web platform elements to make it easier to use and more beautiful on the eyes.

  • 🍋 Exclude Ingredients. You can now exclude specific ingredients when generating meal plans and also when filtering dietitian-approved recipes.

  • 🤑 Earn Passive Income. We've added a new affiliate program that pays you a 20% commission every month for all paying customers you refer as long as they are subscribed. To join, login to your Foodzilla account, then go to Profile -> "Earn" -> "Join".

  • 🥝 Generate Plans based on Macros & Diets. You can now generate a meal plan or template based on macronutrient values or percentages. We've also removed the calorie limitation so you can generate high-calorie plans easily (no limits!). You can now also auto-generate from within an existing meal plan or template.

  • 🥧 Hide Day Names in Plan PDFs. You can now export meal plan pdfs and hide the day names (Monday, Tuesday, etc...). This is useful if you want to give your clients the flexibility to eat their meals without being too specific.

  • 🍣 Branded Emails. Client invitation emails are now branded with your business logo and colors. This is only available on the Starter Plan and above. All future client email interactions will also be branded.

  • New Email Service Provider. We've upgraded our email service to use a premium email service provider to offer you a super-fast email delivery experience. This means your emails are delivered to your clients almost instantly.

  • 🫶 Help Center Improvements. We've updated our help center to make it easier to use and find the How-To articles you're looking for.

  • Better Performance. We've made several improvements to make the web platform faster to load and use.

  • 🍬 Other UI improvements and fixes are left for you to discover.

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If you have any feedback or suggestions, please have your say in the 2023 Foodzilla Customer Survey. Your feedback will be used as input to our roadmap and what we build next! (it only takes 5 minutes and you can submit anonymously)

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Kindest Regards,